We all know the charms of a great café. The next time you’re travelling, here are a few with a twist worth visiting.
Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium, London
This place is one part café, one part cat sanctuary and three parts Alice in Wonderland. Not only is the mysterious basement café pouncing with a pack of rescue cats, but it’s also chock-full of weird and wonderful ornaments. Attended to by a crack team of caring cat lovers/baristas, guests here are encouraged to take a seat and let the flurry of feline frivolity amuse them, while relaxing with a tasty hot beverage. It’s important to note, visitors are prohibited from picking the cats up to hug, but if they happen to choose you, well, that’s just purrfect.

Dinner in the Sky, Global
Sometimes drinking a delicious coffee can you make you feel on top of the world, but some places do a better job than others. Dinner in the Sky will serve you coffee and
a meal that will quite literally make you feel high, that’s because the venue is hoisted 12 storeys above the ground via a unique crane operation. The specially designed venue can be transformed to meet the needs of the group booking, hosting up to 22 people in comfortable reclining seats around a central fixed dining table. The best part, the location can move to wherever you need it to be.
Vampire Cafe, Tokyo
Covered in red velvet and dripping with sinister vibes, this macabre space is attended to by staff who glide across the carpet covered in red blood cells and serve up gothic delights such as dark red aperitifs garnished with tiny skulls. The mood lighting is taken care of by candles that sit on top of coffins while the furniture consists of grandiose thrones and some of the décor even gives the appearance of being smothered with blood. But perhaps the most striking thing is
the obsession with coffins, with menus taking on the shape along with plenty of scary dishes. We are assured no necks were bitten in the making of this café.

Central Perk, Beijing
Fans of the American sitcom Friends may feel slightly discombobulated as they park themselves down for a cup
of joe at the New York-style Central Perk café – in China! But that’s just what travellers to Beijing can do, with the replica café attending to every micro detail that fans will get a kick out of, from the décor to the menus. Another great feature of the venue are the re-runs of Friends that
are running constantly for patrons, so needless to say, don’t wander in here unless you are a big fan. And with Matt LeBlanc’s career stalling in recent times, don’t be surprised to find the real-life Joey joining you for a coffee and uttering his trademark question, ‘How you doin’?
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