Travel Insurance
You insure your home and contents, so why not insure the fun parts of your life? Travel insurance is a must for any holiday booking.
Is this true or just a way to get extra money from you?
We hear it all the time – “We get free travel insurance with our credit card” or “It doesn’t matter, I’m not taking anything important” and the big one “Travel insurance companies will just tell you the horror stories to get you to buy insurance”.
OK yes, there is truth in all those, or at least partly.
Yes, there is an insurance component with credit cards, but not all covers are the same!
We have had instances where clients fell ill overseas after eating some dodgy food and required medical attention. The claim was denied because the dinner wasn’t paid for with that same credit card! A lot of free credit card insurances are also a blanket policy not an individual one. Make sure you check the policy thoroughly!
In a lot of cases, you will travel with no issues at all. You won’t have to experience the nightmare of needing medical attention in a foreign country. But if you do, getting what you need is worth every cent! You can now even get travel insurance that covers you for things such as overseas medical expenses and quarantine costs in the event you are diagnosed with COVID-19 during your travels.
To arrange your insurance so you can relax knowing you are covered, please contact our friendly team today for a quote.
You can also quote and book your own insurance online by clicking the below button and filling in the information.

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