You can read about Mandi here
I have worked in the travel industry for over 40 years (yeah started young!), and have lived in 3 countries.
It is in my blood as my grandfather was also in the industry!
Travel makes you happier and not just because you don’t have to go to work and you can have a Margarita for breakfast – it’s the anticipation!
I also love to meet new people, take on new challenges and experience more of our amazing world!

I am seriously missing my beloved Fiji right now. This is the 1st year in about 15 years I haven’t been there. I want to explore the Maldives next, and back to Europe. Europe always fascinates me, the different cultures, and the food!
So in no particular order:
- Fiji (this pic is a fave – Likuliku Lagoon Resort, Fiji)
- Maldives
- Italy
- Ireland
- Scotland
This is a tough one! I would say Malta would be up there!
Or Positano in Italy. The home of my favourite drink – Limoncello! I have an ongoing love affair with Italy, I want to see Ireland and Scotland again too.
Always Fiji – always!

What are your best travel tips?
I have a few but generally around packing. Before you go, put everything you think you want to take on the bed – then halve it! You really do not need as much as you think you do.
Do take comfy shoes for walking in and a foldable beach/tote bag that can double as cabin baggage.
Take a small microfibre towel too, always handy for unscheduled beach stops and also for wrapping those precious souvenirs up to come home.
Make copies of your passport and important documents, leave one copy with someone at home and email yourself a copy.
Get behind the corporate business types when at security lines, they usually know what they are doing and travel lighter, so it is faster.
Get lost! On purpose, get off the beaten track, away from touristy areas and look for local places to eat away from tourist attractions.
Oh and book with a travel agent – we are full of ideas and have 100s of useful tips! Usually because we have “been there, done that”!

What is your most favourite memory or experience whilst travelling?
Probably my text-book honeymoon in Tahiti – it was everything you could want and more. It blew my mind!!
That and drinking Limoncello in the spa on our balcony in Positano!
Or the road trip we did as a family in Cornwall!
Or……. So many!!

Want to know more or pick Mandi’s brains? Contact us now for an obligation-free consult!